Open Bite Correction

Open bite is one type of malocclusion, or "bad bite." This is when the top and bottom teeth don't touch when the mouth is closed, leaving a space between the top and bottom teeth. Limiting thumb-sucking and pacifier use in children can help them avoid developing an overbite.

Open Bite Correction Treatment

An open bite is when the top and bottom teeth don’t touch at the front or back of the mouth when the jaw is fully shut, leaving a space between them.  Open bites are a form of malocclusion, or “bad bite”: a variety of dental issues that cause the teeth to align improperly, causing problems when biting down, and a host of other related issues, including pain, oral hygiene issues, and tooth and gum decay.

An open bite can be hard to treat, but we will be able to fix it with different types of braces and/or Invisalign. If you think your child has an open bite, call our office today to schedule and appointment so that you or your child can smile and bite properly.

Call Our Office
graphic of an open bite
  • Does open bite require surgery?

  • Does an open bite get worse over time?

    Yes, absolutely. Any orthodontic problem, like an open bite, that is not fixed will get worse over time. It is very important to see an experienced orthodontist as soon as possible who can fix you or your child’s open bite. This will prevent further damage to the teeth and gums and pain or discomfort when you or your child chews, bites or swallows.

    Children with open bites will have the best and most long-lasting results if they get help as early as age 7.

Have Any More Questions?

We specialize in providing first-class dental care to children of all ages. What’s more, we are parents too! Therefore, we understand the busy lives of families and have created an experience to make your dental visits simpler. Learn more about our services or request an appointment today.

Victor Smiles

7249 Route 96
Victor, NY 14564
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Monday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Pediatrics)
Tuesday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Orthodontics)
Wednesday: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. (Pediatrics)

Available By Phone: Monday-Thursday



Email Address

[email protected]